If you want us to get married say a big YES

Ihave mixed feelings about marriage. Most days, I think I’m not cut out for it, but for silly reasons. “I like having my own closet space and bathroom sink,” I rationalize, knowing fully well these are minor fixes on any HGTV home improvement show. But, other days, I feel more strongly about my disinterest.
I’m uncomfortable with the grandeur of most wedding traditions. Plus, the thought of signing a contract that legally binds me to another human being “for better or for worse” is my personal hell. ObviouYou get why I have doubts about the sanctity of marriage, then.
Unfortunately (or fortunately?) for me, I don’t have a lot of people to back me up on this. All of my Tinder matches revealed that they would want to get married eventually. A few of them even say they’re ready right now. Um, guys, I’m going to need a minute.He takes commitment seriously, which is why he wants to get married when he’s financially able to provide for his partner and their family.
And speaking of interviews, he did a little investigative journalism of his own. Although my Tinder profile lists me only as “Syd,” he admitted that a quick Google search led him right to my articles. Let’s just hope he doesn’t read all about my aversion to wedding bells and run away. Sorry, Simon!