“The happiest moment of our lives, Jaguars’ Trevor Lawrence joyfully welcomes his first child with his childhood sweetheart, Marissa Mowry.”

Lawrence explained how “it’s fun to have your person with you through all the different stuff that we’ve gone through. It’s been cool.
“I’ve known her for a long time … [and] we’ve kind of seen the best and the worst in each other and it’s been fun. “It’s been really awesome just to, like, get to know her more and more. I wouldn’t trade that for anything.”
Now approaching their second wedding anniversary, Lawrence explained how they continually “try to do some version of a date night, whether that’s going out or that’s ordering in and just hanging out and having a glass of wine or whatever just to try to spend that time together.”
Not that it’s always that simple, admitting that “during the week it gets kind of busy and then, especially, when we have families coming in town on the weekends and that’s even busier.
“We’ve gotten better and better at making time, making sure that we have time together and really prioritizing that.”