In an unexpected twist, billionaire Elon Musk, known for his often controversial statements and media presence, has found himself at the center of a controversy involving...
Ben Affleck was spotted in Brentwood, Los Angeles, on Friday, looking subdued following a family-filled Thanksgiving holiday with his ex-wife Jennifer Garner and their children. The...
Angelina Jolie is a mom, first and foremost. Sitting down with Michael Strahan for an interview on Good Morning America to discuss her new film Maria,...
Elon Musk, the visionary behind Tesla and SpaceX, has once again captured global attention by revealing images of a revolutionary UFO fighter jet. This new technological...
Mariah Carey had a magical night at the iconic Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, where she had some special guests join her on stage. The Grammy...
Jennifer Lopez shared a very emotional moment on the episode that aired on Friday, November 8, of The Graham Norton Show, in which she was reunited...
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West officially finalized their divorce in 2022, after nearly seven years of marriage. Kim recently shared an emotional reflection on what she...
Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce stepped away from the plate after participating in season 1 of Grotesquerie, an FX horror/drama television series from the...
Pop star Britney Spears is preparing for a significant moment in her personal life as her youngest son, Jayden James, celebrates his 18th birthday on September...
The couple gave insight into their personal lives with their children, twins Sasha and Tristan, and their daughter, India, when it was revealed they had teamed...