During a surprise comedy appearance at the Observatory North Park in San Diego, Will Smith addressed a flurry of online memes linking him to Diddy’s controversial...
In a recently resurfaced interview, Jay-Z shared a moment from 2005 that occurred during Rihanna’s audition for Def Jam, where Jay-Z had just taken over as...
Marcus Jordan, the son of NBA icon Michael Jordan, turned heads during a courtside appearance at the Chicago Bulls vs. Boston Celtics game on Wednesday night....
Sean Combs’ life could not have taken a more dramatic turn in 2024. At the top of the music world for so long, Diddy ventured into...
Kate Cassidy, the social media influencer and late girlfriend of One Direction’sLiam Payne, has returned to the U.S. following the singer’s tragic death. Sources close to...
singer and actress, recently broke down in tears while addressing persistent scrutiny about her body. In an emotional interview alongside her Wicked co-star Cynthia Erivo, the...
Prince Harry has put to rest recent rumors about marital troubles between himself and Meghan Markle. Harry addressed speculation that their relationship is on the rocks,...